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Graphics: Martha G. Brady Photo: Weekly

Graphics: Martha G. Brady
Photo: Weekly Snaps

I wonder if John said this first sentence with a sence of awe.  We get so used to being children of GOD that we forget how absolutely amazing it is!

The Father, the GOD of the Universe, loves us and has provided a way for us to be His children…to be part of His family! It is truly stunning! It was a plan that no human could have ever come up with…or wanted to. And it involved the death of His only Son to boot…for people who were unlikely to appreciate it.

Only a Sovereign GOD could have planned this. Only a holy and just GOD could have fulfilled this plan. Only a gracious, merciful GOD could have meted it out. And it all had to be the one GOD whose attributes were working together in complete balance and harmony or it would never have worked…at all!

There will come a day when we will be like Him…or more like Him than we are now! And the hope of that day has a purifying effect that I’m not even sure I fully understand. Amazing!

What a delightful day!
