I feel like it has been ages since we just talked. I’ve been putting up things that are part of this or that series and I used to try to make room for times when I talked and it wasn’t part of a series. I’ll do that today. Even though I don’t have a whole lot to talk about. It may turn out that I had more to talk about than I thought.
Our 46th Anniversary will be next weekend
The end of this week will be our 46th wedding anniversary. (I’ll write more about it on Thursday.) I can NOT believe that many years have passed since we married. I still remember driving to the hotel, walking in the room, seeing flowers and wondering aloud who sent them! Was I dumb or what?
Ron was trying to tip the bellman when I came out with that. He probably wanted to walk out the door wondering how he had missed the level of stupidity my question showed! In fairness, being on a honeymoon was new to me too. I hadn’t really thought it all through.
Well, he didn’t walk out the door. We stayed together through thick and thin…both literal and figurative! We have learned to laugh a lot. Personally, I’d rather laugh than cry. I did a lot of crying when I was younger and I got tired of it.
To celebrate, we’re going to go to St. Louis this weekend to babysit our youngest grandchildren! Their parents will be taking a weekend course at the seminary and we will take care of the kids during the daytime. I’m hoping we’ll get a good meal in there somewhere before we come home to celebrate the occasion.
A granddaughter will be turning 6 on the same day!
And I just remembered that another grand will be having her birthday! I’d better get with it. She was born on our 40th anniversary so will be 6 years old this weekend. Way to go Millie!
She is the youngest of 3 girls and has just moved and started school in a new school. I think she is doing well so far.
It was a big day in our extended family with a brother-in-law and nephew having birthdays on that day too. Too bad none of these people live here for us to celebrate with.
Aside from celebrations and memorial to the grace of GOD, what else do we have happening?
The weather is starting to cool down. For that I’m very thankful! Our mornings are in the 70’s but the days get up in the 80’s. I’ll be glad when the temps are a little lower than that. I could enjoy perpetual falls and springs without the extremes of summer and winter. But of course, those seasons serve a purpose too. We would be overrun with bugs without good, cold winters. The plants need them to grow well, especially many of the fruit trees need cold winters.
So I’ll have to find a way to enjoy the summers (where I don’t go out in the heat much) and the winters (where I choose to stay in on the very cold days). Fortunately, we have moderate winters here so it is bearable in the winter most of the time.
Well, I see I’m getting boring. I rarely talk about the weather. Since I have come to that, I’d better bring this to a close. I would hate to lose the small audience I have!
I hope you all have a wonderful day. Enjoy the early days of Fall.
Take time to enjoy the crisper air, pumpkin lattes, football games, falling leaves, apple cider, pumpkins, time with your family and most of all…time to be grateful!