prompt: tell
The next generation needs to know about our faith.
In this culture, it is easy
Not to tell them.
There is so much noise…
TV, computers and phones
Movies and all the din
Keep us all distracted and busy.
As a culture,
We are giving them a message
That there are no absolutes.
That the most important thing is now.
That the best thing to do is to go along with the crowd.
That being different is not a good thing to be,
Especially if that difference has to do with Jesus
Or is based on an objective standard of truth.
It is up to us to tell our kids,
and our grandkids
The truth of GOD’s Word.
The truth that they were created by GOD
In His image and as such, have incredible value.
That mankind sinned and fell and
we don’t meet the standard GOD has set for us…
Perfection…and we never will. STOP
That Jesus Christ did!
He lived the perfect life we couldn’t
And died as a perfect sacrifice for our sin.
Now our sinful record is His
And His perfect one is ours.
Guilt no longer has to plague us.
Forgiveness is ours through Christ our advocate.
This is good news.
But it is easy to get so busy we forget to tell them
In a meaningful way.
Eye to eye, heart to heart.
This news is too important to miss.
They need to know it, to understand it.
They need to be aware that GOD loves them…
And we love them too…no matter what!
That our faith is not a list of rules…
It is a relationship with God…through Jesus!
Keep on telling it…
Cannot agree more!
Just as we teach everything else to our kids, it’s upto us to teach them to love Him and trust Him.
Visiting from FMF,
sorry for the late reply tanya. my computer was in the shop. so true. they will get our view of GOD from us…or by default, from the vacuum left by our lack of teaching, that of their friends. GOD help us to teach them the true gospel in a genuine way.
AMEN! Stopping by from the Five Minute Friday. I will keep telling my children about the big, awesome, amazing God they serve. Blessings!
thanks for stopping by barbie. sorry i couldn’t reply earlier. my computer had to go into the shop on friday. today is happy day:) it’s fixed:)
it’s so exciting when they see what a great GOD He is, isn’t it?
Crystal stopping by from FMF. After reading this, I found myself saying AMEN! and I just love the ending “Keep on telling it…With your words, with your life, and with your love.” Thanks you and I agree, lets raise up a new generation by telling them about Jesus.
thanks for stopping by crystal:) i enjoyed my visit to your blog too.
i just remember how quickly the Israelites forgot GOD. it only took a generation…at the most 2, and they were back to their ways of following the foreign gods and no obeying GOD’s laws. it didn’t take long at all for them to forget:(