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photo: © Katiemariariv20

I am a writer

There, I said it.

Do I feel like one?


But that doesn’t mean I’m not one.


Over the past 4 years, I have written 560 posts.

I write, therefore I am a writer.

At this point, I haven’t earned money doing it like I had hoped.

I can aways look at others and say

“I wish I wrote like she does.”

I can aways look at others and say “I wish I wrote like she does.” but that doesn’t change the fact. I am a writer. Share on X

But that doesn’t change the fact.

I am a writer.

I write.

I have a voice.

It is unique.


It brings with it my years of experience.

In life, marriage, raising a family. . .

It brings with it the perspective of a woman born in the 40’s

Who grew up in the 50’s

Graduated from high school and college in the 60’s.


Who was horrified at the death of a president (Kennedy) during her first year of college.

And more shocked at the death of both Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy

During the spring of her last year of Nursing.                   (stop)

She married late in the 60’s and birthed her children in the 70’s,

Living in Jamaica most of that decade.


That is my perspective.

I have something to say.

I’m not concise.  I try.

But I can’t seem to do it.


I never wanted to write when I was young.

It wasn’t my dream.

But I enjoy it now.

It helps me put my thoughts and beliefs in order. . .

For the next generation.


I’m writing for Five Minute Friday and Fellowship Friday #16 today.

Five Minute Friday