We moved to Huntsville, AL the end of April 2013.
- We sold our house in Tyler, TX in 1 day. This took our breath away! We didn’t expect that at all! We also didn’t expect that they would need it in 4 weeks! It was a very tight fit…but we got it done!
- We finished getting the house ready to sell and put it on the market.
- We are settling into our rental home in Huntsville, AL…not far from Redstone Arsenal.
- We celebrated some milestone dates: Ron turned 75 and we celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary in 2013. When we married, we weren’t sure these special celebrations would even happen. Ron’s dad passed away of heart disease at age 47 and my dad passed at 54 of a sudden heart attack. We are thankful to have had these many years together. It has been a gift we weren’t sure we would have.
- Settling into a new church in Alabama. But miss people we have known and ministered to for many years and often think, “I wonder what __thinks about x topic/event.”
- Enjoying living near our family in Alabama…and participating in activities of the grandchildren!
- The Sparks family returned from Ukraine…and will move to St. Louis, MO in January 2014…only 7 hours away! That will have us living in the same town as one daughter and 7 hours from another. It leaves our Seattle family still far away, but they are where they have been. We don’t expect that to change.
- I wrote my first 31 day series for my blog in October: Honey, It’s Time to Grow Up!
- We started 2 square foot (3 ft. square) gardens in our backyard this past summer. My brother came down from PA to help us get them started. We got tomatoes, cucumbers and some spices. The onions didn’t materialize and not many beans produced…but it was a great start. I’m hoping this year we can grow a watermelon (takes more time than we had this past summer) and maybe a pumpkin or two! Hey, I can dream.
So, those are the TOP TEN we can remember for 2013. We don’t know what 2014 will bring. We can be encouraged as we face the future…that GOD is in control of it and cares for us in ways deeper than we can imagine!
Blessings to you as you face this New Year!