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Another week has flown by.  The weather is starting to cool off a bit.  I’m thinking Fall will be here soon.  It will be nice to wear long sleeves comfortably.

I have started water aerobics at the Y and really enjoy it.  I’m starting to feel my abs.  It has been awhile since that happened!

If you are unfamiliar with Five Minute Friday, click the link for the page and the rules will be there.  Of course, the most important part of it all is making time to stop and visit other writers along the way.  For sure, you must visit the person before you…then stop off at anyone else you’d like to visit.


What is true?

The flattering words people, who don’t know me, say to make me feel good?

The curses and gestures that accompany a driving mistake?

The loving, encouraging words from friends and family?

The sarcasm that mixes with family gatherings that shows all hasn’t been forgiven after all?


And what about the voice that nags in your head?

That carries with it words of accusation and belittlement.

That urges you to stay on the present path you are taking.

“Don’t change.” It whispers in your ear.

“You know how hard it is to change…and it really isn’t that important.”


But that still, small Voice quietly speaks.                        STOP

“You are my beloved daughter.  I have paid for all your sin.  It is finished.”

“You no longer have to live in fear, or guilt, or despair.”

“I have forgiven you.”

“I have given you the abilty to obey me, and change in the ways I ask.”

“In my strength, you will be able to grow in grace.”


The truth is too good to be true…but it is.

I don’t deserve it.  I can do nothing to make myself more deserving.

I am His child.  He is my heavenly Father.

I will walk with Him all the days of my life…

Then I will dwell with Him forever…

As His beloved, accepted child.


And that’s the truth!