Five Minute Friday! It is here again. The weeks are flying!
What is it? A chance to write for 5 minutes straight…and share it with you! A chance to see what my voice is. A chance to see what is in my heart. The editing is minimal. (I reread mine to be sure it makes sense…otherwise it won’t do anyone any good!)
Then I add a photo or two and link it to Gypsy Mama’s page. Yes, it was her brainchild in the first place!
Last of all, I am to stop and leave an encouraging word for the person ahead of me on the page…and any others I care to visit! Come join us. You’ll meet some interesting people.

Delight! Delightful!
I use those words to describe my children
my grandchildren
delicious food
a beautiful painting
an enjoyable evening
at times, even the GOD I worship.
What a strange combination!
But each brings
joy and light
to my eyes and heart…
In a different way
each brings a joyful texture to my life.
My children remind me of many of the good things
about my husband and me.
I watch as they mature into godly women,
wives and mothers.
Their marriages ebb and flow
and grow in grace.
They guide their children with wisdom.
My grandchildren,
soon to be seven in number
are alive…alert…busy…
full of questions.
They sparkle with energy and life!
They reflect their parents and grandparents
They are a delight!
I taste a delicious meal
The colors give me an appetite.
The smells and seasonings tempt me.
Combinations of sweet, tart and spicy
wake up my tastebuds.
Going to an art museum for an afternoon!
Is anything more enriching to the soul?
I see the beautiful colors on canvas
that remind me of flowers or people or cities.
They also remind me of past experiences
and my soul is refreshed by beauty, color and light.
Or an evening out with my husband and friends…
when we connect over common interests
and talk about heart issues.
It is rare…
Making it all the more delightful…
Like finding beauty in a place of sparsity.
Touching hearts and souls brings warmth to the soul.
Most of all, in relation to GOD…
not only is it delightful that I can talk to Him
and find pleasure in His company…
But that He finds delight in me as His child.
That is beyond my understanding.
How could it be?
A delightful miracle of grace!
thanks jessica. yes, i tho’t they were delightful:)
These are all truly delightful things! 🙂
What a “delightful” post. That word, delight, has so many layers of meaning. I enjoyed how you explored some of them.
thanks elizabeth…and thanks for dropping by:) i enjoyed your visit on this gloomy, rainy day! i always enjoy compliments too. glad the post lived up to its title!
I love how full of joy this post is… delighting in all the precious gifts God gives…
Blessings to you!
thanks for stopping by michele:) i enjoyed reading your blog as well! your story is one of the grace of GOD alive and well:) delightful!
thanks for stopping by kirsten:) i enjoyed visiting your blog. it gave me some ideas for posts i want to add in the coming weeks:)
Wonderful 5-Min-Friday post! You sound like a future-me! Thanks for sharing!!