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Five Minute Friday.  What is it?  An opportunity for us to write and find our voice.  We write for 5 minutes…unless we really get carried away!  (Then we let you know!)  I do read over mine to be sure it makes sense.  Then I add a photo and links…and it is on its way!


Remember Me photo:


REMEMBER  the past.

As you read the Old Testament,

  • God’s people are told to remember;
  • to pass on to the next generation,
  • how He has kept covenant with His people.  



  • How God kept His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
  • How He won the victory for timid Gideon despite such a small army.
  • How He forgave Samson so completely that Samson was listed in the hall of faith in Hebrews 11.



  • the goodness, faithfulnees, provision of God in the past.

But what about Lot’s wife?  She looked back to “remember” against God’s command.

What was that?  Remembering a life of compromise with sin and looking back on it with longing?


REMEMBER ME…God’s desire for us when we partake the Lord’s Supper.

” Do this in remembrance of me.” 

  • We remember our sin.  
  • We remember His death.
  • We remember His triumph over sin and death. 

Thank you Lord.  We remember with thanksgiving…

for your abundant, extravagant, amazing, scandalous grace…to us!