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Five Minute Friday is the brainchild of Gypsy Mama.  We write for 5 minutes on the given topic.  I proof mine to be sure it makes sense and doesn’t have typos.  Then I add a photo and links and it is on its way!  Go to Gypsy Mama’s site and see links to the others who have written it.  They are very interesting and creative!  It is a lot of fun.


Am I growing in grace?                                                                               

photo: Credit line (HTML Code): © Bowie15 |

I’m growing in girth…working hard to lose a few pounds.

I’m growing in relationships…but don’t do well keeping up with all of them.

I’m growing in years…and waning in energy and stamina.

I’m growing in awareness of a divided heart…that is so often focused on the mundane rather than the eternal.

I’m growing in  years of marriage…am I continuing to grow in my marriage?

I am growing in my awareness of how much I need Christ!  

When I was younger and more energetic, I was able to do more in my own strength (or so I thought!).

My self-righteous robes are becoming more and more tattered.  I can’t “do” the Christian life.  I am utterlly dependent on Christ.

For me, that is growth.