Happy Birthday, Martha!
About a month ago, on the occasion of my 73rd birthday, you wrote the most beautiful letter I have ever received! In fact, it was difficult to believe the person you were describing was I ! Now it’s my turn, only I don’t have your gift of expression or the expertise to include pictures.
God’s wise design for man was to create “a helper suitable for him” (Gen. 2:18). How perfectly you have fit this pattern! For several years I sought and waited for such a “helper.”
Of course, she had to be a Christian serious about walking with Christ. It would be nice if she could play the piano (to help with youth ministry) and/or be a nurse. She had to be pleasing to the eye and willing to put up with me!
How amazing that God took this Wisconsin boy to south Florida and brought you there from nurses’ training in Philadelphia to your grandparent’s house in Fort Lauderdale where our relationship began, blossomed, and led to our marriage in 1968.
A “suitable helper” indeed! You put up with my pride, cluelessness, stubbornness, and served as a wonderful partner in ministry first in Fort Lauderdale, then in Jamaica, back to south Florida, and all the way to east Texas, with a 4 year stint in Illinois.
In every case you sought to touch peoples’ lives for Christ. It has been delightful to see us both grow in understanding and appreciation of the Gospel of Grace in Christ and be able to help people embrace God’s rich grace for themselves. We’re still growing in this; isn’t it wonderful?!
It is such a delight to see you fulfilling the New Testament instruction that older women teach younger women how to walk with Christ in their homes and churches (Titus 2:3-5). I think of scores of women over the years who have been blessed by the Lord through your love and ministry to them.
Not the least of these have been our 3 wonderful daughters who were positively influenced by your words and actions to receive and love the Lord Jesus Christ. What a genuine example of devotion, faithfulness, wisdom, and love they have in you.
How privileged I am to have you as my wife. Your love has been rock solid, your support consistent, your counsel wise, your faith exemplary, and your companionship anything but dull! I look forward to celebrating more birthdays with you. Happy 65th!!
With all my love,
Imagine my surprise when I found Ron at his computer writing last night. When I asked him what he was writing, he said, “A birthday letter that I hope you will put on your blog.” It was a delightful surprise. The only change I made was to divide up the paragraphs for easier skimming…and some bold printing. For future reference, most of our immediate family birthdays are done. You will now get a break from birthday blogs.
I’d better introduce my guest writer, Ron Brady. Since 1965, he has been in full-time ministry either in the U.S. or Jamaica. His first retirement was in August 2003.
He then went on to interim and pastor a church in IL for a total of 4 years and retired a second time in 2008. Since then, we have been back in TX where we have lived about 20 years. He is my first and favorite husband!
I enjoyed Ron’s letter so much. In my opinion, he really does have a “gift of expression” whether he thinks so or not. Hope you two will be able to get up our way soon. It’s been too long.
yes, he does have the gift of expression. i have never doubted that after listening to his preaching and teaching for 40+ years! some of his children inherited his gift as well:)
we hope we can get out there again soon but are definitely looking forward to the kids’ summer visit:) that cancer certainly threw a monkey wrench in our christmas plans this past year didn’t it?
Hi Martha!
Thanks so much for the kind comments you left on my blog earlier today. I’m happy to have found you too! This letter from your husband made me smile – it’s quite a testimony when the person who knows you better than anyone has such wonderful things to say about you. :o) You sound like a special lady – I hope you had a wonderful birthday! God bless…
Thanks Beth. It is just one more way I have come to appreciate the Grace of God…and the increasingly gracious memory of my husband:) I’m so glad I found your beautiful blog…both in words and art. When my blog redo is done, i’ll have to see what I can do to join forces with you on something:)
Oh, forgot to mention, the picture of the two of you. It’s positively gorgeous! Where was it taken. You look so young and beautiful.
I was young:) that was back when we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. i was a mere 62 then:) It was the September after we moved back to Tyler. We were given an Alaskan cruise that year. We had a great time!
WOW!! Did you cry or what? He s the sweetest man and what a wonderful example of a man loving his wife. I am grateful to be among those many women you have loved and influenced for the sake of Christ. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Yes he is:) thanks Ali. the feeling is totally mutual:)